Hi, every body, nice to see you here ...
I am Linda, back again to you. Now I am also a lecturer who teaches the literary classes. Now I am on my way to make the third novel. You know, my first novel, which has been published in USA, the title is "Fudhail An Extraordinary Boy From Batavia" is about a shy boy who tries to find his way to be an extraordinary boy. It is not easy to be an extraordinary boy because he has got a problem to socialize with people around him. God loves him. He gives the boy so many ways to do. All ways are from his mom and dad. You know what's next? Just get my book at www.amazon.com. If you want to get special discount from me, just contact me through my email, lindapurnama46@yahoo.com or specialneedlearning@yahoo.com or contact me at 081314631851.
Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012
Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012
Buku Baru "Zrofessor Neuroteologi Psykotetelepatik Kinetiko"
Selamat datang di blog saya ini ...
Saya Linda Purnamasari akan memperkenalkan buku baru saya yang baru direlease pada tanggal 9 Agustus 2012.
.Buku ini sudah bisa dipesan setelah tanggal 27 Agustus 2012 di www.mizan.com karena ini self-published author jadi tidak dijual di Gramedia. Langsung pesan online ke www.mizan.com atau kalau bingung, hubungi penulis di nomor 085813838279 untuk pemesanan.
Selasa, 17 Juli 2012
Story Telling Bersama Fudhail An Extraordinary Boy From Batavia's Muppet Show
Selamat datang di blog ini.
Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan boneka yang ada di dalam "Sesame Street?"
Kali ini saya, penulis buku "Fudhail, An Extraordinary Boy From Batavia" akan mengajak anda untuk mengikuti program "Road Show" yang berupa "Storytelling" tentang "Fudhail An Extraordinary Boy From Batavia" bersama karakter "Fudhail the muppet."
Tunggu apalagi???
Segera kasih tahu papa, mama atau bu guru dan pak guru sekalian agar segera menghubungi kami
Bagi siapa yang ingin sekolahnya dikunjungi oleh "Fudhail, the muppet" atau ada yang mau ditanyakan tentang program ini, silahkan email kami di fudhailanextraordinaryboy@gmail.com atau kontak kami di 085813838279 bila ingin sekolahnya dikunjungi.
Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan boneka yang ada di dalam "Sesame Street?"
Kali ini saya, penulis buku "Fudhail, An Extraordinary Boy From Batavia" akan mengajak anda untuk mengikuti program "Road Show" yang berupa "Storytelling" tentang "Fudhail An Extraordinary Boy From Batavia" bersama karakter "Fudhail the muppet."
Tunggu apalagi???
Segera kasih tahu papa, mama atau bu guru dan pak guru sekalian agar segera menghubungi kami
Bagi siapa yang ingin sekolahnya dikunjungi oleh "Fudhail, the muppet" atau ada yang mau ditanyakan tentang program ini, silahkan email kami di fudhailanextraordinaryboy@gmail.com atau kontak kami di 085813838279 bila ingin sekolahnya dikunjungi.
Rabu, 06 Juni 2012
Welcome to My Blog
Hi, every body!!!
Welcome to my blog. In this blog, first, you have to know about me. I am Linda Purnamasari. I am an International writer. I have written some articles at some international websites and now I am publishing my new book. The title of my book is "Fudhail, An Extraordinary Boy From Batavia."
You know, I am new in publishing a book, if you find many mistakes in my book, just tell me, I am just a human, born to make mistakes. In this book I want to tell about my son's metamorphosis from shy boy into a 'special boy'. This is an inspiring book for parents but also for those who want to improve their reading ability in English. If you want to have it, if you are US citizens or live abroad, far away from Indonesia just call www.amazon.com to have it. If you are from Indonesia, you can contact me at 08581383279 to buy the book.
Selasa, 05 Juni 2012
My New Book "Fudhail, An Extraordinary Boy From Batavia"
Hi, I am Linda. I want to tell about my new book which has been released May 26, 2012 at www.amazon.com. This is my first book that has been released in America under the license of amazon.com or createspace publisher. I am not an American, I am from Indonesia, specifically at Jakarta Barat. I am the former of Medical lecturer and now I am still teaching as a part-time lecturer at Indonusa Esaunggul University. I want to make a move as an International writer, that's why I tried to make my dream come true through my simple biography about my boy, Fudhail Satria Perdana.
He was born in October 28, 1995 as a shy and spoiled boy. He used to do something with his parents. He had a weak motivation to be the best. You know, how hard me and my husband to make him 'so extraordinary." What have my husband and I done to him? Just get my book to www.amazon.com (If you live outside of Indonesia) but if you are inside Indonesia, you can contact me at 085813838279 to pre-order my book.
Fudhail is My Name
Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012
I want to tell something about my book. The title is "Fudhail., An Extraordinary Boy from Batavia."
Selasa, 29 Mei 2012
Fudhail, An Extraordinary Boy From Batavia
Hi! I am Fudhail. I am real. You can follow my biography that has been written by my mom at "Fudhail, An Extraordinary Boy from Batavia. It is about my life since I was a child until now I am a Senior High School student. I am just a boy from Batavia, Indonesia but my mom has made me 'so international' through her book for me.
If you are outside Indonesia, you can order through www.amazon.com (USA). If you are around Indonesia, you can order through www.bukabuku.com or order directly to the writer by using pre-order payment. You can contact the writer at 085813838279 or pin at 24A399E1
Kamis, 24 Mei 2012
Get This Book Soon At amazon.com
Jumat, 18 Mei 2012
Kisah Kehidupan Seorang Fudhail
Dengan rasa
kepercayaan diri yang cukup tinggi dan modal nekad, ijinkanlah saya
memperkenalkan diri saya. Namaku Fudhail Satria Perdana. Orang memanggilku
“Satria.” Mungkin aku bukan siapa-siapa. Dengan bermodal nekad ingin terkenal,
maka saya memberanikan diri menulis buku biografi ini, supaya anda juga tahu sebagai
rakyat Indonesia, saya punya hak untuk mengungkapkan pendapat secara bebas. Bahkan
untuk menulis perjalanan hidup saya sekalipun, saya bebas untuk bercerita.
Dibaca syukur, tidak dibaca? Guling-guling, atau nyekar ke kuburan embah minta
didoain? Tidak lah yaw! Aku masih normal. Kesabaranku masih cukup luar biasa.
Maksudnya luar biasa panjangnya hingga tak berujung. Pokoknya di dalam UUD 1945
disebutkan bahwa setiap warga negara bebas mengemukakan pendapatnya baik lisan
maupun tulisan.
Eits! Tunggu
dulu. Jangan tutup buku ini. Duduk dulu di sini. Lanjutkan baca buku ini atau
anda akan menyesal seumur hidup tidak mengenal saya. Ceritanya begini, aku,
Satria, anak kemaren sore yang lahir pas tanggal 28 Oktober 1995, tepat hari
Sumpah Pemuda. Bayangkan, ketika orang-orang sudah bersiap-siap dengan baju
‘Pohon Beringin’ alias baju seragam KORPRI (Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia)
untuk mengikuti upacara bendera di pagi harinya sebagai pembuktian betapa jiwa
nasionalisme yang tinggi dari para pegawai itu, sebaliknya mamaku harus
berjuang keras untuk mengeluarkan aku yang tidak ke luar-luar juga dari
perutnya sejak ketuban pecah di tanggal 27 Oktober pagi, tepatnya ketika
mamaku, ‘mamah Linda’ sedang melakukan ritual kesehatannya sebagai seorang ibu
hamil, yaitu melakukan jalan pagi. Kata dokter sih, biar persalinannya lancar
dan tidak terlalu sulit.
Sebenarnya sih,
kelahiranku itu lebih cepat sebulan dari perkiraan dokter. Umur kandungan
mamaku masih sekitar 8 bulanan. Kemudian dianjurkan oleh dokter di rumah sakit
untuk melakukan senam hamil. Sebagai seorang ibu yang baru pertama kali hamil,
tentu saja akan selalu menurut apa yang dikatakan dokter. Jangankan senam
hamil, kalau disuruh jalan pagi pun setiap hari, pasti akan diikuti, walaupun
mamaku tidak pernah mau berolah raga pagi ketika belum hamil. Begitulah orang
tua, karena keinginan mereka yang terlalu besar untuk mendapatkan buah hatinya,
apa pun diikuti. Mungkin kalau disuruh jalan pagi dari Jakarta sampai Bandung,
pasti mama akan melakukannya juga. He…he.
Oh iya, Aku
berasal dari keluarga yang biasa-biasa saja. Aku tinggal di Jakarta Barat.
Mungkin kalau di dunia, Jakarta ini bukanlah tempat yang begitu dikenal kalau
belum kita sebutkan kata ‘Bali.’ Moga-moga dengan terbitnya buku kisah hidupku
ini, kota Jakarta semakin terkenal, terutama walikota Jakarta Barat. Beliau
pasti akan bangga dan berterima kasih sekali bahwa dalam masa jabatan beliau,
berhasil membuat salah satu warganya berprestasi di tingkat dunia (Insha
Allah), atau di tingkat Kelurahan juga boleh.
Kalau ada ‘bule’
(bukan isterinya pak Lek, loh) bertanya di mana Jakarta Barat, mungkin kita
harus menunjukkan di mana letak Bali dulu. Kalau bingung, boleh tanya toko
sebelah, tapi sekarang udah kebanyakan yang nanya toko sebelah, ya kita cari
pelabuhan Gilimanuk saja, di Bali. Dari Denpasar, ibukota dari provinsi Bali,
kita pergi menuju pelabuhan Gilimanuk, terus kalau di sana ada kapal Ferry,
beli karcisnya dulu, lalu naik ke kapal itu. Tapi kalau kapalnya tidak ada, ya
ditunggu dulu aja. Jangan berenang, yah. Jauh dan dalam air lautnya. Kecuali
mau uji kesaktian dan mau menjadi orang terkenal, tapi saya sarankan lebih baik anda ikut ‘Indonesian Idol’ aja
supaya bisa terkenal, dari pada harus berenang dari pelabuhan Gilimanuk
menyeberang ke pelabuhan laut Tanjung Perak.
Bila anda sudah
sampai di Surabaya, tinggal naik bis menuju ‘Batavia’ atau ‘Jakarta.’ Mohon
maaf pembaca, saya menunjukkan jalan dari Bali ke Jakarta dari sudut kaca mata
seorang ekonom yang pelit, jadi saya tidak menyarankan anda naik pesawat. Buat
apa? Hanya menunjukkan kota Jakarta saja, kita harus keliling Bali dahulu. Sekarang semua serba sulit, jangan terlalu
boros dengan sebentar-sebentar menggunakan pesawat, mentang-mentang dibayar
oleh kantor dengan dalih tugas kedinasan. Janganlah semua serba ‘aji mumpung.’
Sadarlah uang siapa yang digunakan itu. Apalagi kalau seorang pegawai negeri,
jelaslah semua menggunakan uang negara. Lebih baik kepergian yang jauh dengan
hanya alasan studi perbandingan saja dikurangi, apalagi kalau ke luar negeri.
Studi perbandingan bisa lewat televise atau berkonsultasi lewat media internet.
Itu lebih hemat ketimbang menghamburkan uang negara untuk pergi jauh dengan
alasan kedinasan. Kasihan rakyat, bapak dan ibu yang terhormat. Rakyat kita
sudah cukup menderita, tapi mereka masih menyempatkan diri mengumpulkan
sebagian penghasilan mereka yang sedikit untuk membayar pajak. Kalau sampai
dihambur-hamburkan untuk alasan tugas kedinasan ke luar negeri, rasanya hati
ini mau menangis.
Baiklah, mari
kita kembali membicarakan soal tempat yang bernama ‘Jakarta’ yang dulu disebut
‘Betawi’ atau ‘Batavia.’ Seni
pertunjukan daerah ini yang sangat khas adalah ‘Lenong.’ Lenong adalah drama komedi dari Betawi yang
sangat menarik karena sering dibawakan secara langsung di depan umum sehingga
kontak antara penonton dan pemain terjalin. Dibutuhkan kelucuan tingkat tinggi
dari para pemainnya karena terkadang ada penonton yang sangat kritis dan
mengkritik pemain apa adanya. Di sini pemain tidak boleh marah dan harus bisa
memberikan tangkisan dari semua kritikan itu alias ‘ngeles’ bahasa Betawinya.
Drama komedi ini bisa dimainkan sendiri berbentuk monolog atau lebih dari satu
Lenong ini tidak hanya bisa dibawakan oleh orang dewasa, anak kecil yang
sudah bisa bicara pun ada, namanya ‘Lenong Bocah.’ Bahkan ada juga jenis lenong
yang dibawakan oleh anak yang masih ‘piyik’ sekali, yaitu ‘Lenong Piyik.’ Untuk
‘Lenong Bocah’ dan ‘Lenong Piyik’ ini, masyarakat Betawi boleh bangga dengan
dedengkotnya yang bernama ‘Aditya Gumay.’ Dia sangat konsisten untuk
memperjuangkan drama komedi yang satu ini dengan mengajak anak asuhannya yang
tergabung dalam ‘Sanggar Ananda’ untuk memasyarakatkan ‘Lenong Bocah dan Lenong
Piyik’ ini. Aku pernah menjadi juara akting lenong bocah sebanyak 3X
Minggu, 13 Mei 2012
My Balinese Dancer daughter
It is a story about my youngest child. Her name is Lifda but we always call her 'adek.' She is so sweet for us as her parents. Now she will be 14 years old at October 2012. I am in the second chapter in my writing process about her biography. Perhaps you think it is nothing special but for me, as her mother, it is so extraordinary biography. Since she was a baby, I used to train her to dance, before bringing her to a "Sanggar Tari" a place where she can practice her hobby to dance. But I always ask for her to study about the Indonesian traditional dances. We have many beautiful traditional dances. If we don't learn all, you will be an useless Indonesian citizen. If you want to know more, just wait for finishing my next novel about my daughter biography. I hope next month it will finish to be written. I will use Indonesian language, but if you are eager to know in English, just contact me at my email specialneedlearning@yahoo.com or specialneedlearning@gmail.com or pin me at 24A399E1.
Senin, 19 Maret 2012
Fudhail, An Extraordinary Boy from Eastern World.
This is about my new novel which has been on the process to be published. Do you want to read that?
I will put a brief for each chapter. If you are interested in following this novel, just follow this program.
Package A : 1 - 2 chapters ( for a week )
B : 1 - 4 chapters ( for a week )
C : 1 - 6 chapters ( for a week )
D : 1 - 8 chapters ( for a week )
E : all ( for a week )
If you are eager to read all chapters in simple version, just email me : lindapurnama46@yahoo.com
pin 24A399E1
Minggu, 18 Maret 2012
Too Young To Be A Band Leader
It is a story about my boy. Since he was seven years old, I asked for him to take a music course.
While he met his cousins, he asked them to practice together. Finally they made a simple band, called Molta. The group consisted of his cousins and him.I saw them so serious with their band. It made me think to find an event for them to show their band.
At that time he was so confused, what instrument he should choose. I forced him to choose guitar. he just obeyed my request although he wanted to study keyboard. It was because we didn't have keyboard and still didn't think to buy so soon. I knew it was so difficult for him. In my opinion, studying guitar is important for a man. Every man should know about guitar.
You know what would happen if someone forced you to do something you didn’t want? Right, hewas so lazy to study guitar. He took a lesson on Monday. If Monday came, he would be so lazy and depressed. He pretended to sleep while the time came. But my husband tried to support me. He accompanied my boy with her sister because her sister also studied vocal at the same place.
When he was at Junior High School of 75, he saw that one of his friends, Bintang, was a good guitarist. He was also a good-looking boy, and clever. The music teacher always praised him as a good musician. From that time he realized that he could be a good guitarist, too. He started to be serious in practicing guitar again.
While he met his cousins, he asked them to practice together. Finally they made a simple band, called Molta. The group consisted of his cousins and him.I saw them so serious with their band. It made me think to find an event for them to show their band.
Finally I offered them to take a part at my medical students “Prompt Night” program. It was my plan. They were so happy. They didn’t know how hard I had struggled to ask for their band's performance to the Chairman of the Committee at that program because only medical students of her university could take a part at that program. I just said to my boy to manage his band to make a good performance.
It was not easy to manage his cousins. They are older than my boy. They were university students and he was just a Junior High School student, but at this time my boy was the leader. He had to manage them to practice well and made a good performance. Sometimes he complained to me about his cousins’ behavior. I just asked him to be patient to handle that. He just kept silent and raised hi spirit again by remembering what I said to him. I want him to study more how to handle people and manage a band.
Rabu, 07 Maret 2012
How To Combat children Abuse
There are so many children abuse around the world, not only in the USA. I want to tell about the children abuse in Indonesia. How the children abuse will affect the society here. You know one of the children abuse is physical action. I will focus on this problem.
In Indonesia, most of people are from middle until below levels family background. So many couples from uneducated get married without good preparation. Sometimes they get married informally because they can’t pay for the ‘Penghulu’, a man who has a right to do the sacral promising wedding to the couple. They even depend on their parents’ responsibility. The parents will support them to live with them.
Sometimes they just hang out for a short time then they decide to get married The couples get married because they don’t want to make a sin or in Islam’s way we call “zinah” or adultery. Most of them don’t know how to do after getting married, they just hold one intention “In love we can do all.”
You can imagine what will happen next while the couple has a baby. Unfortunately the wife can’t produce breast milk, so they need to buy milk. While the baby cries, then the wife asks the husband to buy milk then the husband doesn’t have enough money to buy the good milk for the baby. They are shy to ask for money from their parents It will happen again and again.
Every time the baby cries, the couple will fight again and again. For the first time, the couple can be patient but one day, it will be the climax. If they are not so religious, they will be angry to the baby. It will cause a physical action. They will hit or beat or perhaps kick them while they get emotion.
If every day we find a family who always hit or beat their children, it will affect our society. How about the children around the place? They will see a criminal action every day. They think it is a good think because the adult people do that. Next time, the children will do physical action too. Every time they have problem to another children, they will fight or kick their friends.
Every day we see a criminal action around our environment. It will affect to our feeling. The other children around the family will be depressed and stressed. As a good citizen we should think how to handle the children abuse. We have to remind our young generation to study how to love the children so the next children abuse will not happen again and we should open our eyes around us. If we find the case about children abuse, we should bring the actors to the jail or protect the children to get more torture from their parents. We shouldn’t allow any crimes for children.
An Alternative Education for Extraordinary Children
To be good parents are not easy right now. If we need our children’s future will be bright, we must be proactive parents. We must know what our children want. It is not easy to know what our children need, that's why we should have a brainstorming method to find their talents. We must search what’s on our children’s mind. What they want and their goals. We should be closer to our children and always discuss with them every time. So what should we do? Is it too difficult and so complex?
I think it is not so complex and difficult if we do that way with full of love. Here some steps that you can follow if you want your children to be extraordinary children who will get bright future. First step, ask your children what they need. Second, prepare your money. Third, find the information that refers to your money. Fourth, find a near location to the extracurricular place that your children like. Fifth, bring your children there. Sixth, try to be nice to the people on that place, example the coaches. We should appreciate their effort to make our children the best. Believe in them to make your children best.
Seventh, make an agreement between husband and wife who will take care of your children to go to that place. If you find everything is on the control, make a commitment with your children to be serious with that activity.
Then, you still have to handle another problem if you have succeeded to make your children the extraordinary children with many outstanding achievements. You never think that your children will be busy with their extracurricular activities because they can manage their extracurricular activities outside of their school time. But what will happen next while their activities need time to be done and use our school time? Do you want to stop their activities and ask for them to concentrate on their study? What do you think if their activities have made them good or famous people and earn much money for them?
We are not wise parents if we ask for them to stop their activities. They have struggled for those to get the best achievements . We as parents should be wise in this case. We should find another solution. We should support their achievements and also their effort to continue their formal education. But how could handle the problem because their activities are overloaded so they can’t attend their class?
For parents who have extraordinary children, you should think about homeschooling for your children. We can arrange the time for our children to study while they don’t have any schedules to do their activities. It is good to make your children so safe with their future. So they never worry to be one step back than their friends because they still can study formal education. You should emphasize that formal education is still useful although you have bright future with your career now. Now we really think that homeschooling is useful for us who want to be extraordinary parents.
Rabu, 22 Februari 2012
Increasing Your Income Through Writing A Summary
If you like reading, then you are confused what you will do after reading a book, it's better to study how to make a summary from that book. After you have a summary, you can send your summary to the reading community society who really appreciate your works. If you need to make money, just send your email to readingcommunity@rocketmail.com, we lead you to get much money through your reading habit.
Minggu, 19 Februari 2012
Studying English in your free time
Have six hours free this month? Need to improve your English in your free time? We can help you to fulfill your six hours free time. Just contact as at 085813838279. After that, you can continue again at your other free time. With us you can study so flexible with your free time.
Studying in a hard schedule
Busy with your schedule? Full assignment? But your English proficiency should be better? How can you improve your English? Confused to arrange the schedules? Just contact us. We will help you to improve your English with your hard schedule. Call us 085813838279
Minggu, 05 Februari 2012
New TOEFL Generation
Nowadays, we have a new TOEFL. It is Internet Based Test (IBT) TOEFL. It is so different than the old TOEFL (Paper Based Test TOEFL). When the old one still used three section, first section was Listening Comprehension, the second section was Structure and Written Expression (SWE), and the last section was about Reading Comprehension, the IBT TOEFL uses the first section is Reading Comprehension Skill but we don't look at the reading text but we just listen to the text then we answer the question, then the second section is about Listening Comprehension then the last section is about Writing. It is so different from the PBT TOEFL. We don't study again about Grammar. But how about if the students are still weak about Grammar, is it a problem? So to make you better in grammar before studying TOEFL, you should follow the Pre TOEFL lesson.
Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012
How to improve your TOEFL score
Nowadays, every office realizes to have staffs speak and have ability in English. There are many requirements about English ability. If you have low ability in English and live around Jakarta, you can contact us through email (readingcommunity@rocketmail.com or call us (062-85813838279) We will help you.
Senin, 02 Januari 2012
Making a move
Sometimes people are afraid of doing something new because they don't want to lose something they have got before. They are afraid of making a move. although the way will make them up. They never realize they have put themselves in a golden cage. They think, as long as they can survive, just forget about being independent.
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